Purplezilla spent the week sitting in the quad where he became the most popular person on campus (and the most photographed). I announced his name by putting it on a poster behind his head.
The second (dark brown - I ran out of white poster paper at the same time I ran out of money) poster is a list of rules for the new game. It only lasted one day though as it fell down and never quite recovered.
The smaller GPPE's are held up by their bases, but this one is so big that he has supports attached at hinges at about his eye level (which also allows him to fold flat). I was still worried about kids going behind him and knocking him over (or onto themselves) so I attached signs to the supports saying, 'Do Not Play Behind Giant, Purple, People-Eater.' We didn't have a single incident or problem (Yeah!)
Starting Monday the kids hunted for tiles during recess and lunch. I had volunteers from out Home and School Club sign up to help hide the tiles while the kids were in class. Some times we made tricky (like on top of poles too high for the kids to reach without getting clever or buried a bit in tanbark on the play ground), but none were truly hard. Here's a couple of examples: